weekend food recap
I couldn’t resist devouring a delicious cod today for lunch after I saw someone order it — it was a moment of weakness in my quest to be more of a vegetarian (on most days) in my remaining days in...
View Articleelement fresh
So Element Fresh, right. No biggie, nothing special (really nothing special, and I’m not just saying that having worked for the competition). But E and I decided to have our last brunch together (for...
View Articlesessions public
On this particular Friday night, A & J & I made our way down to San Diego for the most anticipated wedding of the year! Our first night was spent in the city of San Diego, though, before we...
View Articlekiller combo: pancakes + biostats
A nice Sunday morning brunch. Lo and Haru came over with fruits and ingredients in hand to whip up some homemade pancakes! I think this is actually my first time ever making pancakes. And actually,...
View Articlethe counter burger
K, T, and I headed down to Times Square for the Counter Burger tonight. It was one of my favorite burger places back in California (yes, even more so than In-n-Out, which I think is over-hyped and has...
View Articledumont
Thursday night dinner in Brooklyn at Dumont! This place is incredible — comfortable, not pretentious, mellow atmosphere, and solid food. But rather unfortunately, the photos I took look radioactive a...
View Articlecalorie bomb
Check out our pre-Target lunch today. Can you guess where it’s from? It looks decent, but then check out the number of calories! It’s insane!!! And if you guessed Applebee’s, I don’t know whether to be...
View Articleted’s bulletin
I was a bad (my version of a) “vegetarian” today, but I’ve found my favorite brunch place (so far) in DC — Ted’s Bulletin!!! This place is nothing short of amazing — the decor, the food, the menu, the...
View Articleulah bistro bar & lounge
My lunch today at Ulah Bistro on U Street — pacific ahi tuna salad, with seared rare sesame tuna, red vine-ripe tomatoes, roasted red beets, string beans, cucumber, field greens, frisee, and orange...
View Articleposte modern brasserie
Mmm… restaurant week. In honor of Am’s leaving DC, we headed to Poste Modern Brasserie for restaurant week! Just food titles, descriptions, and pictures for today. Truffle oil fries. Mmm… Love truffle...
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